- Engineering Consulting
- Hydrology
- Smart Scan
- Geophysics
- Electromagnetic Terrain Conductivity (TEM)
- Magnetic survey
- Borehole Geophysical and Video Logging
- Microgravity Surveys
- Seismic Tomography
- Seismic Refraction, using delay-time & tomography data analysis
- Cross hole Seismic Testing
- Very Low Frequency (VLF) Profiling
- Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), Soundings, and Profiling
- Programing
- Building Information Modeling
- Environmental
- AI & Smart Cites

Through a unique combination of engineering, construction and design disciplines and expertise.
AJC has an integrated survey team and survey equipment capable of lifting from the field for each of:
- Road networks.
- Bridges.
- Farmland.
- Buildings.
- Land uses.
- Calculation of levels.
- Converting between data formats.
- As well as office work, including:
- Drawing diagrams.
- Drawing AutoCAD.
- Cadastral maps.
- Topographic maps.